Transportation Policies

Service Delay Policy

While every effort is made to adhere to the published schedule it may change without notice and Roam Transit assumes no liability whatsoever for any inconvenience or expense associated with interruptions, delays or cancellation of service arising from road closure or hazards, weather, traffic, mechanical breakdown, or conditions beyond its control and assumes no responsibility for acts or omissions of others.

Accessible Vehicles

Our accessible bus fleet are equipped with ramps, a kneeling (lowering) front entrance, priority seating for seniors and others with reduced mobility, accessible stop request buttons and scooter/wheelchair access. Please contact us if you need more information.

Mobility Aid sizing

All Roam buses can accommodate wheelchairs and mobility scooters of average, typical, or standard size.

It’s important to be aware that certain mobility devices, especially four-wheeled scooters, may face limitations in fitting onto buses. This is particularly relevant if they cannot navigate the tight turn from the ramp at the front door to the bus aisle leading to the seating area, even if they fall within the specified size limits mentioned above.


If you require assistance boarding a bus, kindly request the driver to lower the ramp if it hasn’t been done already. Once the ramp is fully lowered, proceed to ascend the ramp slowly.


When you’re at the farebox, show your pass or transfer, or place your cash in the farebox. You can also tell the driver which bus stop you’d like to get off at. This allows the driver to pick the best location to deploy the ramp when you depart.


If you have questions about how to best board and secure your mobility aid on these buses, it’s advisable to seek information from Roam operators. They can provide guidance on the specific procedures and equipment available to assist you. If you require assistance, don’t hesitate to ask the operator for help in properly securing your equipment to ensure a safe and comfortable journey.

If the operator is unable to offer physical assistance due to their own physical limitations, we kindly ask for your understanding in this matter.

The use of these restraints is optional, but we highly encourage their utilization for your safety and convenience.


When you are close to your destination, let the driver know by pushing the stop strip or button, or by pulling the stop string.

CNIB Identification Cards

CNIB photo identification cards are accepted on all Roam routes and enable complimentary travel for the card owner.

Request a Stop Program

Purpose: To enhance passenger safety and reduce risk during evening hours by allowing passengers to request a drop-off between two Roam stops. 


  • This service is available only at night, from dusk to dawn. 
  • Passengers should request a ‘safety stop’ from the Roam driver well in advance—either when boarding or at least one stop prior to their desired location. 
  • Requests should be made by approaching the front of the bus and speaking directly with the driver. 
  • The bus will stop only in safe, legal areas, away from intersections, driveways, and blind corners. Drivers will select locations suitable for deploying wheelchair ramps and accommodating strollers. 
  • For safety, buses will stop only in urban areas and local routes, with seasonal restrictions as necessary. 
  • Passengers should exit through the front door to help the driver assess a safe stopping point. 

Luggage and Backpacks Policy

We encourage riders to travel light.

Roam Transit cannot guarantee transportation of luggage any larger than that which can comfortably fit on your lap. You are required to manage all personal items without assistance from the operator, this includes being able to safely load and unload your items on and off the bus.

We do not provide designated luggage storage on our buses. Please ensure your luggage fits comfortably on your lap or at your feet throughout your journey. Luggage should never occupy an extra seat or block the aisles. If you are bringing a cart or wagon, please fold or collapse it before boarding. Additionally, you should be able to carry all items previously stored in the wagon onto the bus without assistance.

If any item is identified by the operator as a potential safety risk, or, the service is at / nearing capacity, the operator has the right to refuse transportation with luggage.

Pet Policy

Certified assistance animals are allowed on board at no charge. Owners of assistance animals should be prepared to show the animal’s verification of training. An example of acceptable verification, similar out of province verification will also be accepted.

Passenger pets are allowed on board at no charge. All pets must be crated in a secure and clean carrier designed and intended for the carrying of animals which is small enough to fit on the owner’s lap. The pet must be fully enclosed inside the carrier at all times, approved carriers include small cages and hard or soft shelled crates. Backpacks, tote bags and pet strollers are not sufficient.

Passengers must hold onto the carrier at all times and are responsible for the safety of their pet. (If there is room on the bus, carriers may be placed beside you on the floor, but the carrier should not block the aisle or restrict passenger movement.)

The pet must remain inside the carrier at all times.

Bike Policy

You don’t have to leave your bike at home – the entire Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission bus fleet is equipped with bike racks. Combining cycling and taking the bus is a great way to get around while making sustainability a part of your lifestyle.


There is no additional cost to take your bike on a bus. It’s free!

Local Roam Service (Banff, Canmore)

  • Maximum three bikes on the exterior bike racks on routes that allow bikes.
  • Exterior bike rack space is based on first come first serve basis.
  • If the exterior bike rack is full, 2 or 3 bikes may be permitted inside the bus at the driver’s discretion based on space availability/passenger count inside the bus
  • Any bikes allowed inside Local Roam Service buses must not impeded the aisle for other passengers – you may be asked to disembark with your bike if the bus gets busy with passengers
  • Passengers without bicycles take priority for boarding and seating. Passengers,wheelchairs and baby strollers have the highest priority.
  • IMPORTANT – As space becomes available on exterior bike racks, any bikes inside the bus MUST be moved onto available bike rack space(s) as soon as possible as requested by the bus operator. This is to ensure the enjoyment and safety of other passengers.

Regional Services (Canmore-Banff, Lake Louise, Seasonal Routes to Johnston Canyon and Moraine Lake)

  • Maximum of three bikes on the exterior bike racks
  • A maximum of three additional bikes may be brought inside Regional buses when the bus is equipped with an interior bike rack.
  • If a Regional bus is not equipped with an interior bike rack, then bikes are not allowed to be brought inside the bus.
  • Bike rack space is based on first come, first serve basis.
  • In Banff there is a bike queue set up behind the Banff High School Transit Hub shelter. This helps to organize Regional customers with bikes in an order of “first come first served”. Please read the signage and arrange your bikes from 1 through 6 – as 6 bikes
    are loaded on each bus, new bikes are moved into the queue.”
  • If the outside rack is full, a maximum of 3 bikes may be permitted inside the bus at the driver’s discretion based on interior bike rack availability.
  • Bikes on board MUST be secured to the interior bike racks using the straps provided (see instructions below). If a bike cannot fit properly into the interior bike rack provided, the bike may be denied service. Bikes must not impede the centre passenger aisle.
  • Passengers without bicycles take priority for boarding and seating. Passengers, wheelchairs and baby strollers have the highest priority.
  • IMPORTANT – As space becomes available on exterior bike racks, any bikes inside the bus MUST be moved onto available bike rack space(s) as soon as possible as requested by the bus operator. This is to ensure the enjoyment and safety of other passengers.
  • For passengers with bikes arriving in Banff, you must exit the bus with your bike at the Banff High School Transit Hub stop. This is to allow for new passengers travelling to Canmore with their bikes. The Banff High School Transit Hub stop is the only stop where you can board with a bike in Banff unless there is space on subsequent stops.


  • Tricycles are not able to fit on our buses
  • Bike racks can accept up to 29” bicycle wheels.
  • Bike trailers or other obtrusive attachments are not allowed inside of the bus.
  • Bikes inside a local service (Banff/Canmore) bus cannot be left unattended. Passengers who bring bikes inside buses without interior bike racks must always hold onto their bike to ensure it does not inconvenience other passengers.
  • Passengers who bring bicycles inside the bus are responsible for any damage or liabilities caused to other passengers.
  • Bikes to be brought inside the bus must be a clean- no mud, not wet, excess grease etc.
  • Drivers always reserve the right to decline bicycle placement inside the bus.

Loading and Unloading Your Bike on the Exterior Bike Rack

Here’s how to load and unload your bike:

  • Before the bus arrives, remove loose items such as water bottles, pumps, and panniers.
  • Tell the driver you want to load your bike.
  • Lift your bike onto the rack. If no other bike is on the rack, place your bike in the slot closest to the bus.
  • Lift the support arm up and over the front tire.
  • When leaving the bus, please tell the driver that you need to remove your bike. Exit from the front door.
  • Drivers are not expected to load or unload the bikes. Passengers who use this aspect of our service must be physically capable to load and unload the bikes themselves.
  • Passengers are responsible for properly loading and unloading a bike. Neither Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission nor its operating subsidiaries are liable for any property damage or bodily harm caused by improperly loading and unloading of bikes.

Securing your bike to interior (Regional) bike racks if provided

  • Bikes are to be stored with the rear wheel of each bike stored in the rack.
  • The straps provided are to be wrapped securely around the top tube of each bike, and then Velcro’d back onto itself. The straps are designed to limit the amount of side-to-side movement of a bike.
  • The aisle MUST be kept clear at all times. THIS IS MANDATORY. Bikes must never interfere with the aisle.


  • Always load and unload on the curb side of the street. Don’t step into oncoming traffic.
  • Never use a personal lock and/or chain to secure your bike to the bus rack. For increased security, you may want to lock together your bike frame and one of the bike’s wheels. (Please put the lock on before the bus arrives.)
  • You are responsible for properly loading and unloading your bike. Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission is not liable for any property damage or bodily harm caused by the use, loading, and unloading of bikes.

E-Scooters Policy

For local routes E-scooters may be permitted inside the bus at the driver’s discretion based on space availability/passenger count inside the bus. However, on Regional services, they may be accommodated in the interior bike rack area, which can hold up to a maximum of 3 bikes and/or e-scooters combined. E-scooters must be secured to the racks using the provided straps, just as bikes are. Small kick scooters, due to their size, are allowed on board and do not need to be stored in the bike racks, but they must not block the aisle or impede other passengers.

Stroller Policy

Stroller size

Using a stroller that can easily fit and maneuver on a bus is very important. Some large recreational or tandem strollers do not fit on board and have the potential to pose a blockage issue. Due to this, you may not be able to ride or experience difficulty maneuvering the stroller on the bus. Strollers should be a maximum 20 inches wide by 48 inches long (51 cm wide and 122 cm long).


  • Your child must be safely secured with the belt or harness provided in your stroller.
  • Ensure that the brakes are on, and ensure that the stroller is not blocking the aisle.
  • Hold on to the stroller securely at all times during your trip.
  • Strollers should either face forward or toward you, but not cross-wise and jutting into the aisle as this poses a tripping hazard.

Please note that in very crowded conditions, the operator may ask you to fold the stroller and hold your child to make room for other passengers.

Assistance from Roam operators or other riders

Please notify the operator if you require assistance to board or exit a Roam vehicle. If the operator cannot assist, please understand. Another rider may be able to help.

Please remember to be courteous when requesting assistance from Roam operators or other riders.

Priority Seating

You may use the priority seating area immediately at the front of the bus, but remember that this area of the bus is also there for other riders with mobility challenges, walking or mobility aids, and service animals.

Bus Lowering

In winter, we ask drivers to lower the bus only when requested. This helps prevent mechanical issues caused by cold temperatures.

Transfer Policy

Banff Local Service transfers

Transfers are available from the drivers for service between different local routes and are valid for 45 minutes.

From Banff or Canmore Local Service directly to Regional Service

No free transfers are available from the Banff or Canmore local service to the regional service.

As Canmore Local services are free, there are no tickets sold on these services. If you use the Canmore local service before the regional service, you should purchase your ticket on the regional service.

For example, if you are planning to take the Regional Service to Canmore but your trip starts on the Banff local service, just pay the Banff local bus driver the regional fare and ask for a transfer on to the Regional service. The transfer is good for 60 minutes.

Transfers between Canmore Local and Canmore-Banff Regional Services

Passengers are encouraged to use various Roam bus stops where routes intersect as transfer points between Canmore Local services (routes 5C & 5T) and Canmore-Banff Regional service (route 3), for example, Benchlands Overpass for 5C/3, Canmore 9th St for 5C/5T/3 etc. Transfers are available only when schedules align, and buses are not experiencing unexpected delays.

To request a transfer, please let your driver know upon boarding so they can communicate with the relevant service. It is the rider’s responsibility to ensure they are asking the driver for a transfer. Transfer options can be identified by referring to online schedules, as well as using online tools such as Google Maps or the Trip Planning feature on the Roam Transit homepage. Alternatively, you can reach out to Roam Customer Service for assistance with trip planning.

Please note that buses can only wait for a maximum of two minutes past their scheduled departure time for transfers. If a transfer is not possible, please wait for the next scheduled departure of your desired service. Keep in mind that transfers are not always possible, as service schedules do not always align. Please ensure you are checking the schedules and planning your journey accordingly.

While every effort is made to adhere to the published schedules, they may change without notice due to factors beyond our control, such as weather, road conditions, or mechanical issues. Roam Transit assumes no liability for any inconvenience or expenses associated with interruptions to service. Service delays may affect riders ability to transfer between Canmore Local and Canmore-Banff Regional service.

Regional Travel Zones

Bow Valley Regional Transit Services Commission is pleased to provide additional options for travel within the communities of Banff and Canmore.

Passengers may travel on the Regional Route 3 service, (within the local community that they board) fare free. When you board the bus please let your driver know that you are travelling locally.

For example, if you need to get to the Regional Route 3 Hawk Ave stop in Banff from downtown Banff, you can now board the bus and inform the driver that you intend to travel to the Hawk Ave stop. In Canmore, if you would like to travel from the Regional Route 3 Legacy Trail stop, you can inform your driver that you intend to travel to another Regional Route 3 stop in Canmore.

Travel is only offered between existing Regional Route 3 stops – buses will not pick up or drop off passengers at local Roam stops.

Please make sure you are aware – this travel offer is only available for travel within the community zone where you boarded.

Intentional travel between Banff and Canmore on Regional Route 3 without paying a fare may result in penalties and/or Trespassing charges.

Intentional travel between Banff and Canmore on Regional Route 3 without paying a fare may result in penalties and/or Trespassing charges.

See below for the Regional Travel Zones in Banff and Canmore.

Lost and Found Policy

Items found on Roam public transit buses are documented and stored with the Roam Customer Service Team. Lost and found items can be collected from our Customer Service Desk, inside the Banff Visitor Centre at 224 Banff Avenue between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. daily.

Please note, items can take up to 3 days to be delivered to the Visitor Centre. Roam Transit accepts no responsibility or liability for any lost and found items in its possession at any time.

Examples of items of minimal value may include:

  • Hats, mittens, gloves, umbrellas, scarfs, small trinkets etc.
  • Food items that may spoil or are spoiled will be disposed of.

Items of value will be kept for 30 days and may then be turned over to the local RCMP office or otherwise disposed of.

Examples of items of value may include:

  • Wallets, travel documentation or identification documents
  • Phones, cameras, or other electronic devices
  • Jewelry
  • Bikes, skis, and snowboards
  • Bus passes

If you have left the area or are not able to collect the item from our office in Banff, you must arrange a courier to retrieve the item and cover all costs associated with shipping.

When collecting a lost item, the person collecting the item will be asked to accurately describe the item, provide identification, and sign off on the collected/returned item. Phones will need to be unlocked by the owner, and if collecting wallets or identification documents, you may be asked to verify details on said documents.

To inquire about Lost and Found items, please contact the Roam Customer Service Team

224 Banff Avenue

Smart Card Policy

Roam Public Transit fare products are non-refundable and non-replaceable if lost, stolen, or willfully damaged. Only cards that have been registered via the web site will be considered for replacement. Do not punch any holes in the pass; it will damage the embedded chip antenna and cause malfunction of the pass.

Cards that are considered defective (show no visual damage and cannot be queried on the card reader) will be replaced. Contact the Customer Service Centre for details.

Identification must be presented on request for the purchase of reduced rate passes (Senior, Youth).